Old Busselton Cemetery Project
Project Overview:
Have you ever wandered past the Old Busselton Cemetery (Pioneer Cemetery) and wondered about its origins? Perhaps you have a relative buried there?
The Old Busselton Cemetery, located between Marine Terrace and Adelaide Street, was established in 1847 and formally gazetted in 1856. Many of the districts prominent families are buried there. The first recorded burial was Mr Patrick Hurley in 1858 and there are over 250 recorded burials - although 550 individuals have records associated with the cemetery. Burials ceased at the cemetery in the 1930’s.
Since 2009, significant progress has been made to conserve the cemetery in collaboration with the community. The grave sites have been cleared, overgrown vegetation removed and interpretive signage on the cemetery’s history installed. Some sites have additional information about individuals who are buried there. A map was also created to make it easier for visitors to identify where the gravesites are.
The next stage of the plan is to install new name tablets, as some of the current ones have incorrect dates and names misspelt.
Updating name tablets:
Over the last 12 months the City has been gathering names and information about the people who were buried in the Old Busselton Cemetery. Working with a group of volunteers and community groups, the number of people who have most likely been buried in the cemetery has grown. Initial records lists approximately 250 burials (as listed in the State Heritage Register of Heritage Places Assessment Documentation), during this process this number grew to over 1,000.
The community have been invited to review the updated list and provide comment. Consultation closed on 18 October 2024, officers will now review the feedback and make final adjustments for the printing of the tablets.
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