Prequalified Tenders Recalled for Busselton Performing Arts and Convention Centre
Further to Council’s meeting of 8 September 2021 and its decision to proceed with the construction of the Busselton Performing Arts and Convention Centre, the City has invited prequalified tenderers to review their tender pricing of the centre.
It should be noted that construction tenders up to $38 million for the construction of the centre will be considered and will be assessed on the current and previously tendered design, allowing for tenderers to provide alternative construction and material options without compromising the centre’s functionality.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mike Archer said that “The Council is still actively pursuing additional State and Federal Government funding contributions to reduce the overall costs of the facility, which also includes approaching organisations such as Lotterywest.”
Mr Archer further advised that “The City has also received a commitment of $1.97 million in additional funding from the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (Round 3). In addition, the City welcomes Rio Tinto’s generous contribution of $250,000 towards the fit out of the building, greatly assisting the financing of the facility.”
It is anticipated that the tender process will take approximately three weeks, where all compliant tenders will be duly assessed and considered.
Early indications are that some of the tenderers are interested in providing revised tenders.
Objectives outlined in this statement are aligned with Key Goal Area 2 and 6 in the City of Busselton’s Strategic Community Plan (Review 2019):Places and Spaces that are vibrant, attractive and affordable: Leadership that is visionary, collaborative and accessible.
Ends. Media enquiries can be directed to
Consultation has concluded