Name the Community Reuse Shop!

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Time to get creative and name the Community Reuse Shop!

What should we name the new Community Reuse Shop?

Works are underway for a new Community Reuse Shop to be located at the Busselton Waste Transfer & Recycling Centre (BWTRC) at Rendezvous Rd, Vasse. Expected to be operational by early 2025, the Reuse Shop will process donated quality second hand/used items and materials otherwise destined for landfill, for resale to the public for reuse.

The reuse shop will be a place were the community can meet and browse items that have been given a second chance at life. You never know what you'll find!

We are asking the community to get creative and help us name the new shop. There are no boundaries on what the name suggestion can be, except that it must reflect the purpose and function of the shop. Officers will collate all suggested names and a shortlist will be presented to Council for the final decision!

Please note that officers have the right to remove names that are deemed inappropriate, offensive or derogatory.

Don't have a name to suggest? Like someone else's idea!

When offering suggestions, consider the theme of the reuse shop- sustainability, the environment, providing second life.

To suggest a name, follow the link below.

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Time to get creative and name the Community Reuse Shop!

What should we name the new Community Reuse Shop?

Works are underway for a new Community Reuse Shop to be located at the Busselton Waste Transfer & Recycling Centre (BWTRC) at Rendezvous Rd, Vasse. Expected to be operational by early 2025, the Reuse Shop will process donated quality second hand/used items and materials otherwise destined for landfill, for resale to the public for reuse.

The reuse shop will be a place were the community can meet and browse items that have been given a second chance at life. You never know what you'll find!

We are asking the community to get creative and help us name the new shop. There are no boundaries on what the name suggestion can be, except that it must reflect the purpose and function of the shop. Officers will collate all suggested names and a shortlist will be presented to Council for the final decision!

Please note that officers have the right to remove names that are deemed inappropriate, offensive or derogatory.

Don't have a name to suggest? Like someone else's idea!

When offering suggestions, consider the theme of the reuse shop- sustainability, the environment, providing second life.

To suggest a name, follow the link below.

Submissions close xxx

Page published: 26 Jul 2024, 12:18 PM