How do I become a member?
The Geographe Leisure Centre has a wide range of membership options to suit everyone’s needs. In order to become a member, simply pop into the centre and have a chat with one of our customer service officers. They will be able to identify the type of membership that will best suit you and provide you with the relevant prices and forms needed to sign up.
How do I join the Learn to Swim Program?
Our Learn to Swim program is a stage based swim program, endorsed by the Royal Life Saving Society and caters for all swimmers from beginners through to squad swimming. Our program runs with the school terms each year. Enrolment information can be found on our website (City of Busselton website, under facilities) or by coming into the centre and collecting our timetable and enrolment form. Updates on when enrolments begin are advertised on our Facebook page.
What activities are included in the Vacation Care Program?
Our vacation care program has a large variety of activities on offer each day. The activities change during each school holiday block. Activities include: crafts, cooking, treasure hunts, table tennis competitions, skate days and daily swimming. The program also includes excursions to a wide range of places at an additional cost.
Where can I find the GLC group fitness timetable?
Our group fitness timetable is available on our website (City of Busselton website, under "Facilities"), and on our Facebook page. Timetables are also available at the GLC front counter.