Community Update - 11 June 2024
A group of City staff volunteered to spend some time planting 260 plants along the banks of the Vasse River last week. The plants were a mixture of locally native species common in areas along riverbanks, this included specifies suited for right on the water’s edge, to those that grow further out.
The plants will help provide important foraging and breeding habitat for native animals, increase connectivity of habitat by providing corridors for animals and areas that foster improved biodiversity and ecological function. In addition, the plants will improve bank stabilisation and reduce nutrients entering the river, provide shade to improve riverbank conditions and water quality, and improve resilience to climate change.
Planting in riverside areas along the Lower Vasse River also aligns with strategies and actions in the Lower Vasse River Waterway Management Plan developed by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, City of Busselton and the Vasse Taskforce.