Why are we asking you to look at the new draft Strategic Community Plan?
Our current Strategic Community Plan is now four years old and due for it's first major review. While our current plan takes us forward to 2023 must look further ahead. Planning now for the things we will need beyond 2030 is the responsible and right thing to do.
By talking and sharing ideas with each other we can build a framework than can enable our community to live, grow and prosper in a place we can all be proud of.
Where can I find information about Council's initiatives?
Information about Council initiatives can be found on the City of Busselton website at www.busselton.wa.gov.au/Council/Our-Initiatives
Where can I find Council's publications and media releases?
How did we consult with the community before the draft Strategic Community Plan was developed?
Between July and September 2016 we held six community workshop, two "round-table" discussion forums, workshops with students from two of the City's high schools, launched an interactive website which hosted surveys and discussion forums and distributed hard copy surveys through various City outlets and the local print media.