Toby Inlet Sediment Study

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Consultation has concluded

Catchment development, hydrological changes and a history of macroalgal blooms in Toby Inlet have led to an accumulation of sediments in the inlet over many years. This has resulted in strong community concern regarding the need to manage issues arising from sedimentation. These issues have included reduced visual amenity, unpleasant odours, reduced on-water recreational access; and impeded fish passage. A recent community views study identified sedimentation as the primary issue of concern regarding management of the Toby Inlet.

As part of the Revitalising Geographe Waterways program, the City of Busselton will be undertaking a study of the sediments in Toby Inlet to provide more detailed information informing future decisions regarding management and/or removal of sediments from the inlet. Final results will be available by June 2020. Specifically the study will:

1. Identify the priority areas for sediment management within Toby Inlet;

2. Determine sediment composition and volume for these areas, building on previous sediment investigations.

3. Assess potential outcomes and impacts of sediment removal from priority areas; undertake an assessment of the feasibility of removing sediment and evaluate the likely costs and benefit of strategic sediment removal.

The City needs your help in identifying areas where sediment built-up is an issue. The information provided will be used to identify priority areas for sampling sediments to determine composition and volume.

Catchment development, hydrological changes and a history of macroalgal blooms in Toby Inlet have led to an accumulation of sediments in the inlet over many years. This has resulted in strong community concern regarding the need to manage issues arising from sedimentation. These issues have included reduced visual amenity, unpleasant odours, reduced on-water recreational access; and impeded fish passage. A recent community views study identified sedimentation as the primary issue of concern regarding management of the Toby Inlet.

As part of the Revitalising Geographe Waterways program, the City of Busselton will be undertaking a study of the sediments in Toby Inlet to provide more detailed information informing future decisions regarding management and/or removal of sediments from the inlet. Final results will be available by June 2020. Specifically the study will:

1. Identify the priority areas for sediment management within Toby Inlet;

2. Determine sediment composition and volume for these areas, building on previous sediment investigations.

3. Assess potential outcomes and impacts of sediment removal from priority areas; undertake an assessment of the feasibility of removing sediment and evaluate the likely costs and benefit of strategic sediment removal.

The City needs your help in identifying areas where sediment built-up is an issue. The information provided will be used to identify priority areas for sampling sediments to determine composition and volume.

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Toby Inlet Sediment Mapping Tool

over 5 years

Please use the mapping tool and tag where you have noticed sediments built-up being an issue in Toby Inlet. You can use the tag categories to describe the impacts you believe this is having in this area.

You can change the map area by using the hand tool or zooming in and out to find your required location.


1.  Poor water quality

2.  Poor visual amenity

3.  Unpleasant odours

4.  Reduced on-water recreational access

5.  Impeded fish passage

6.  Reduced water flow

7.  Reduced biodiversity (aquatic fauna)

8.  Other (please specify)

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded