Sport & Recreation Facilities Strategy
March 2023
The Surveys have now closed and Officers will review this data to help inform community want and need. The project lifecycle and more information can be found at Sport and Recreation Facilities Strategy Review | Your Say Busselton
January 2023
Two tools are now available for input into the SRFS Review. The SRFS Survey and The Prioritise Tool can be accessed on the SRFS Review page and completed to add input into the SRFS Review.
Sport and Recreation Facilities Strategy Review | Your Say Busselton
Meetings with sports clubs and stakeholder groups will be conducted in January/February.
October 2022
In May 2020, Council endorsed the Sport and Recreation Facilities Strategy (SRFS) 2020-2030 as a guide to the provision of sport and recreation infrastructure throughout the district. Over the next 10 years the SRFS recommends approximately $37M of sport and recreation projects.
However, the figures included in the endorsed strategy are based on research conducted in 2018. Current economic conditions mean that the cost of delivering all of the projects included in the strategy would well exceed the endorsed $37M.
The City is now reviewing the SRFS to determine how the economic conditions will affect what the community see as priorities moving forward which includes re-costing projects and seeking community feedback. This will assist in reviewing the priorities of the Strategy to ensure they still align with what community needs are.
5 April 2022
Working Group meeting was held at the NCC at which representatives of soccer, basketball, netball, Aussie rules and cricket attended. A representative from Dunsborough junior hockey also attended for the first time and expressed interest in the project. Director Of Engineering and Works and new Coordinator of Recreation and Community from the City, along with the Development Manager for Football (Soccer) West were also in attendance. Dave Goodwin Manager of Recreation and Community Services presented the current status of the project including new design and field options for discussion. Since October City officers have been working to accommodate the building of the pavilion within budget after cost estimates provided by the architect were unachievable. Due to the escalating cost of construction projects throughout 2021 It has become clear that the original scope for the pavilion that was workshopped throughout 2021 with stakeholders cannot now be accommodated within budget. Options for the pavilion were discussed and it was agreed that the respective club committees are now to endorse their clubs position on how they feel the pavilion portion of the project should now proceed. In short options discussed were:
- Put the pavilion construction project on hold and seek additional funding to provide a pavilion with a full scope yet to be determined by all user groups and fit for purpose for all sports
- Build within budget to include social area with temporary change rooms
- Build within budget to include part social and two constructed change rooms
If option A or B was the preferred then the City would enable initial activation of the fields by locating temporary ablutions /change rooms on site until additional funding is secured and a complete fit for purpose pavilion is constructed. As agreed at the meeting in order to avoid any further delays the clubs preferred pavilion option is to be e mailed to Dave Goodwin Manager of Community and Recreation Services prior to 20th April .
12 October 2021
Working Group welcomed South West Licencing Unit. Discussion around types of liquor licences available for such facilities. Relevant information to be included in all clubs constitutions along with sound governance. What kitchen design will be available. Management model preference offered by Group.
- Council direction - pavilion to remain as per concept plan
- Council direction - playing fields concept plan to remain
- Carpark design complete
- Carpark construction December 2021
16 September 2021
Working Group meeting held at John Edwards Pavilion. High attendance from all sports/clubs with Sports and Recreation Manager of South West in attendance as well. Soccer confirmed their position to remain at old Dunsborough fields. State funding approved for ovals but not pavilion. Confirmed AFL ovals will not fit on site. Clarification courts will be dual use. 3 options for management model discussed.
- Earthworks near completion
- Irrigation install Dec 2021 - January 2022
- Turf install February 2022
- Clarification project to commence April 2022
9 June 2021
Working Group meeting held with good representation from most sports again. Dave Goodwin Manager of Recreation and Community Services addressed the group regarding future of NCC and fields. Discussions centred around a balance of needs and wants for the whole of Dunsborough not select groups. Sport turf provision is a focus for the City. Pavilion location needs to suit majority of groups. Existing Dunsborough fields will be available while new precinct being built with Masterplanning to occur for future use. Questions regarding storage.
- Work commenced on site clearing only
- Architects for pavilion design to be sort
23 February 2021
The second Dunsborough Lakes Sports Precint Working Group met at John Edwards Pavilion to further discuss the developing plans. Representatives from soccer, AFL, netball, basketball and cricket were in attendance. An overview of the plans to date was presented noting room for expansion. Draft pavilion plans were discussed with the group asked to detail their requirements. The future plans for a new school and extra oval were mentioned. Potential management models were discussed with the group to progress this.
19 January 2021
The first formal Dunsborough Sporting Club Working Group meeting was held at John Edwards Pavilion with representatives from Soccer, Football, Cricket, Netball and Basketball. The purpose of this working group is to provide feedback and information that will guide the design and construction of the Dunsborough Lakes Sports Precinct and the masterplan of the existing Dunsborough Playing Fields precinct.
22 December 2020
External Funding Announcement - The City of Busselton received great news today, receiving $750,000 from the State Government's Community Sport and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF) for the development of Dunsborough Lakes Sports Precinct. This funding, together with $1.68M Commonwealth Government Community Infrastructure Program grant, effectively fast tracks the development. This means the playing fields, multi-use courts, carpark, lighting and pavilion will be delivered in one stage. Engagement with Dunsborough sporting clubs will ramp up in the new year as the detailed design is developed.
Information can be downloaded from the Document Library under the Implementation Folder.
3 November 2020
CSRFF Announcement - The City of Busselton received great news today, the application to the State Government's CSRFF for master planning of Sir Stewart Bovell Sports Park was successful. Engagement with sporting club and association stakeholders is underway and will continue throughout 2021. The Busselton Horse and Pony Club were also successful in their CSRFF funding submission and their upgrade will be progressing with the receipt of this funding and $10,000 from the City of Busselton through the Community Assistance Program.
September 2020
Implementation of the Sport and Recreation Facilities Strategy 2020-2030 continues with an application to the State Government's CSRFF "forward planning round" for the development of the Dunsborough Lakes Sports Precinct (DLSP). The SRFS identifies that developing this site, into DLSP, is a key priority for the City of Busselton and directly aligns with the SRFS guiding principle criteria. This project will ensure that current and future sporting needs of the Dunsborough sub-district are met by initially constructing four rectangle fields, two cricket fields, four multi-purpose outdoor courts, and in future stages, a pavilion, change rooms, additional playing fields, additional outdoor courts, and the provision for a future indoor court facility.
August 2020
Implementation of the Sport and Recreation Facilities Strategy 2020-2030 is well underway with an application to the CSRFF "Small project round" for the Masterplan of Sir Stewart Bovell Sports Park. The masterplan will ensure the development of the sports park is well planned, fit for purpose and guide the future staged development of the park to capitalise on the opportunity for a sports talent hub in the region. The Busselton Horse & Pony Club have also prepared an application to the CSRFF for their priority project of upgrading the dressage arena so more members can participate in horse sports training and events.
Information can be downloaded from the Document Library under the Implementation Folder.
14 May 2020
At last nights Council meeting the Sport and Recreation Facilities Strategy 2020-2030 was adopted as guide to the development and provision of Sport & Recreation infrastructure throughout the District.
Work has commended on the recommended priorities for 2020/21 Financial Year, with the new Dunsborough Lakes Sports Precinct (infrastructure for soccer, cricket and court sports) the first project to be undertaken.
All documents can be downloaded from the Document Library.
6 May 2020
**Late UPDATE** Due to lost power and communications to the administration building today (Wednesday 6th) an amendment to the Agenda Briefing and Community Access Session was made and will now be held on Thursday 7th May.
Update - 1 May 2020
Following the public submission period The Sport and Recreation Facilities Strategy 2020-2030 is an agenda item at the 13th May 2020 Council Meeting. On the Wednesday preceding each Council meeting (6th May 2020 - by electronic means) there is an opportunity to address the Councillors during a Community Access Session on any item on the agenda, or any other matter of business of the local government.
Information on Council Meeting Processes and Procedures, Community Access Sessions and Presentations by Parties with an Interest is available from Melissa Egan on 9781 0338 or at Council agenda items are published in the Council for the Community section of the local paper and are available online on this web page
Please Note: The Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held on 13 May 2020 shall be held by electronic means in accordance with Regulation 14D of the Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations 2020.
Project Update - 30 January 2020
The Draft Sport and Recreation Facilities Strategy 2020-2030 is the outcome of one of the City’s most comprehensive and engaging community consultation initiatives and is now open for public submissions.
This long-term strategy aims to inform, guide and underpin the planning and provision of indoor and outdoor community sporting and recreation facilities to meet existing and future needs throughout the City of Busselton. It also Identifies gaps and opportunities around assisting residents to participate and clubs to operate in a sustainable manner.
The strategy recommends that $37 million of sport and recreation projects are undertaken over the next 10 years. It lists key projects in order of priority, the top five being:
1. construct the Dunsborough Lakes Sports Park with infrastructure for cricket, soccer and court sports;
2. reconfigure the Dunsborough Playing Fields to cater for Aussie Rules and refocus the current use at the NCC to cater for future gym, fitness/multi-purpose room and pool space;
3. partner with the Dunsborough and Districts Country Club to review the site with view to increasing space for social and leisure activities;
4. redevelop the existing indoor pool at the GLC to create a dedicated program pool and a dedicated lap pool; and
5. increase the number of indoor courts at the GLC or construct indoor courts at Dunsborough Lakes Sports Park.
The implementation of the strategy will ensure a well-planned and implemented approach towards infrastructure development in the future.
View the draft strategy in the document library and make a submission by clicking the link below.
Submissions are open until 15 March 2020 and following community engagement and consideration of the submissions a final report will be presented to Council for the endorsement of the strategy.
Project Update - 28 August 2019
Thanks to everyone who provided their feedback on this consultation initiative.
Objective: Long-term planning for the provision of indoor and outdoor sporting and recreational facilities in the City of Busselton.
Status: The City engaged with local sport & recreation clubs/associations, State sporting associations and the State Government department. Four workshops were held and we received over 500 responses through the Your Say Survey platform. These responses came from respondents participating in over 60 different sports!
This feedback has been now analysed. It provided excellent data about the needs and challenges faced by local clubs, associations and individual participants.
Next step: The focus is now on developing a range of financially viable options that are aligned with facility standards and feedback received. Specifically we will be looking at opportunities around existing and new infrastructure and providing a schedule of prioritised projects that informs the Long Term Financial plan and assists in sourcing external funding.
April 2019 - Project Information & Initial Survey
The City of Busselton is a fast growing municipality – and we love our sports! It’s therefore essential that we actively plan for the provision of future indoor and outdoor sporting and recreational facilities and that the community contributes to this planning process.
We want to understand who in our community is participating in sport and leisure activities and to get an understanding of key issues impacting participants, parents, clubs and associations. We also want to identify areas of future opportunity, including how activities and facilities can be better managed to ensure our community remains active.
Initial Survey closes 9 June 2019.