A Vision Statement for the Reconcilliation Action Plan - Your View!
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Consultation has concluded
City of Busselton Councillors and Officers met with representatives from the local Aboriginal Community to listen to their aspirations for an organisational Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
After a shared afternoon tea, Councillors and Officers worked together to develop a draft vision statement for the City of Busselton RAP.
Three potential vision statements for the City’s RAP were developed and we would like your feedback on which statement most resonates with you and your vision for the organisation as we move forward with this important plan.
If you would like to provide some general feedback on actions that may be considered for inclusion in the plan, please feel free to suggest in the space provided.
Please respond before on or before 10 October, 2018.
City of Busselton Councillors and Officers met with representatives from the local Aboriginal Community to listen to their aspirations for an organisational Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
After a shared afternoon tea, Councillors and Officers worked together to develop a draft vision statement for the City of Busselton RAP.
Three potential vision statements for the City’s RAP were developed and we would like your feedback on which statement most resonates with you and your vision for the organisation as we move forward with this important plan.
If you would like to provide some general feedback on actions that may be considered for inclusion in the plan, please feel free to suggest in the space provided.
Please respond before on or before 10 October, 2018.
Essential to the development and
implementation of a Reconciliation Action Plan is ensuring we have a shared understanding of what reconciliation
looks like moving forward.
Three potential vision statements for the City’s RAP were developed during a recent workshop - which vision most resonates with you?
Consultation has concluded
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