Dunsborough Town Centre Streetscape Improvements
In 2014, following the adoption of the Dunsborough Town Centre Conceptual Plan, the City went back to the community to ask for feedback on proposed streetscape improvement designs.
With over 80% public support for the preferred designs (map included - click on the image to enlarge), the City commenced a 4 stage works program in 2014. A refurbishment of Lions Park also took place in 2015.
In May the City will be starting the fourth stage of works, focussing on the central roundabout at the intersection of Dunn Bay Road, Dunsborough Place and Naturaliste Terrace. This stage of works will involve reducing the size of the roundabout and reclaiming space from traffic and parking to provide more high quality pedestrian, alfresco and landscaped areas. Car parking removed through this stage has been replaced and added to in other locations.
Detailed plans of this stage of works are available via the Document Library or click on the specific links provided here (Stage 4 Works_Dunsborough Townscape Improvements or Landscape Design_Dunsborough Townscape Improvements)
The City will be appointing a contractor for complete these works, and significant consideration is being given to minimising disruption. If you require further information, please contact the City’s Construction Supervisor on (08) 9781 0444.
Future streetscape improvement works will be scoped through the preparation of a Dunsborough Town Centre Activity Centre Plan.
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