Draft Bushfire Risk Reduction Notice

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The City of Busselton in consultation with a 30-member Community Project Group developed a Draft Bushfire Risk Reduction Notice.

The draft notice was published for community consultation over 6 weeks, after which time the Community Project Group met on the 8th March to consider the feedback received. The updated draft was adopted by Council at the May Ordinary Council Meeting. To view the new Notice, see under the 'Documents' widget on the right-hand side of the page.

This Notice, replaces the City's current Firebreak and Fuel Hazard Reduction Notice. The current notice required updating in order to comply with contemporary bushfire practices and to ensure our community is best supported and prepared for bushfire.

The City of Busselton in consultation with a 30-member Community Project Group developed a Draft Bushfire Risk Reduction Notice.

The draft notice was published for community consultation over 6 weeks, after which time the Community Project Group met on the 8th March to consider the feedback received. The updated draft was adopted by Council at the May Ordinary Council Meeting. To view the new Notice, see under the 'Documents' widget on the right-hand side of the page.

This Notice, replaces the City's current Firebreak and Fuel Hazard Reduction Notice. The current notice required updating in order to comply with contemporary bushfire practices and to ensure our community is best supported and prepared for bushfire.

  • Community Updates- May 2024

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    At an Ordinary Council Meeting in May 2024, Busselton Council voted to endorse the adoption of the 2024-2025 Bushfire Risk Reduction Notice, subject to amending point 5 of the Managed Fuel Area definition within the Notice.

    Further details on the adoption of the notice will be outlined in the Council minutes, which when published can be found here.

    City officers will now develop and roll out a range of engagement and education activities to articulate the requirements of the adopted Notice, including the requirements with regards to Flammable Material, to ensure community understanding and compliance.

  • Community Updates- April 2024

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    Following the 6 week community consultation period, the project Community Reference Group met 8th March to consider the feedback and suggestions that were received from the broader community.

    This resulted in a number of changes, including the order of the notice, changes to requirements of category 1, removal of category 2b, and changes to the requirements in both category 2 and 3 that apply to properties with habitable dwellings. A significant number of changes were also implemented to the definitions, with a full summary available in the report 6.3 of the Bush Fire Advisory Committee meeting 12 March 2024 (unconfirmed minutes here), where the notice was considered and endorsed by the committee.

    City officers have since discussed the project with Karri Karrak, with no changes requested to the presented Notice. A report to Council on the project requesting their endorsement for implementation for the 24/25 Summer will be listed on the Agenda of the Ordinary Council meeting May 15.

    A community engagement session is scheduled between 330-530pm on Friday 3rd May in the Undalup room in the City Administration Building. Interested community members are invited to attend to understand how the notice that will be presented to council may apply to them.

    Community members also have the opportunity to present their thoughts on the item at the Community Access Schedule on the 8th of May.

Page last updated: 09 Jul 2024, 01:07 PM