- Avoid
- Retreat
- Accommodate
- Protect
- Funding and advocacy (as set out in recommendation 3).
- Targeted assessments for coastal erosion (based on geotechnical information) and coastal inundation modelling, as well as storm surge protection options for the natural and man-made ocean outlets to Geographe Bay (as set out in recommendation 4).
- Incorporating the recommendations of the CHRMAP into the City’s strategic plans as well as the local planning scheme (as set out in recommendation 5).
What is a CHRMAP?
A Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan (CHRMAP) is a strategic planning document that informs the community and decisions makers about potential coastal hazards, the consequences and necessary actions. The CHRMAP is required under the State Planning Policy 2.6 State Coastal Planning Policy (SPP 2.6) and aims to provide long term direction, while giving context to planning decisions in the short term.
Why release a draft CHRMAP?
The purpose of the CHRMAP is to provide an opportunity for the community to view and provide input on the document and its proposed recommendations. The recommendations in the CHRMAP are only proposals at this stage for consideration by the community, and the Council following consideration of public submissions.
What are coastal hazards?
The two main coastal processes that are considered hazards are erosion and inundation. The CHRMAP identifies areas that could potentially be impacted by these hazards over the next 100 years, including projected storm events and sea level rise.
How can I tell if my property is in a coastal hazard area?
To determine if your property may be vulnerable to coastal erosion refer to the Management Unit maps contained within Recommendation 8 of the CHRMAP. Properties further inland may also be affected by coastal inundation in future.
What are the options for adapting to coastal hazards?
The State Coastal Planning Policy identifies four options for adapting to coastal hazards:
Refer to section 5.2 of the CHRMAP to learn more about these options and the pros and cons for each.
How does this affect me?
Coastal vulnerability will affect different people in different ways depending on where they live and how they access, use and enjoy the coastline.
I am a…
Private property owner in a coastal hazard area
| If a planning or development application is submitted for a lot located in a coastal hazard area then the State Coastal Policy requires a notification to be placed on the certificate of title as a condition of approval, identifying that the lot may be vulnerable to coastal hazards. |
User of the City’s coastline | Most of the City’s coastline may become vulnerable over the next 100 years. This includes beaches, access ways, footpaths, carparks, toilets, roads and public open space areas. Short term management actions to be undertaken by 2030 are set out the City’s rolling Coastal Management Programme Ten Year Plan (2020 – 2030) and are not expected to impact the way in which you currently use and enjoy the coastline. Long term adaptation strategies, such as protect or managed retreat may be required if and when coastal hazards are realised (refer to Recommendation 8 of the CHRMAP) |
Who is responsible if my property is affected? Will the State or local government protect my property?
There is no legal obligation on the State or local governments to either protect public and private assets within coastal hazard areas, or to compensate for any losses incurred due to coastal hazards. SPP 2.6 requires that local governments prepare a CHRMAP to identify coastal hazard areas, outline potential adaptation pathways and share this information with the community. The draft CHRMAP does, however, recommend that much of the City’s coast is protected, and if that occurs, it would result in private property near the coast being protected.
Who will pay for adaptation?
Currently, State and Federal governments do not provide significant funding for coastal adaptation, and there are no committed, longer-term funding commitments. The CHRMAP considers the long term financial implications of different adaptation strategies through the development of a financial model, as well as potential funding options (refer to section 6 of the CHRMAP). The CHRMAP is also seen as an important tool for advocacy at State and Federal levels.
Will it affect my insurance?
The impact on insurance premiums when a lot is identified as potentially vulnerable to coastal hazards is unclear. Insurance premiums are determined by insurance providers not the City.
Will it affect my property values?
Property values are determined by the property market. As there are numerous factors affecting property values, the potential impact of identifying that a lot may be vulnerable to coastal hazards over the next 100 years is not readily ascertained or predicted.
What happens after public submissions close?
Consideration of community and stakeholder feedback
Community and stakeholder feedback and key issues raised in submissions will be collated. The Council will be briefed on consultation outcomes and direction sought on potential changes to the draft CHRMAP in response to matters raised.
Adoption of the draft CHRMAP for final approval
A final draft CHRMAP will be formally considered by the Council for adoption for final approval.
Further work recommended by the draft CHRMAP
The draft CHRMAP sets out several recommendations that would involve further work and investigations. Should the Council adopt the CHRMAP for final approval without changes to these recommendations, further work would focus on: