Busselton-Margaret River Airport Noise Management - Call For Public Submissions
Consultation has concluded

As part of the Busselton Margaret River Regional Airport Development Project’s environmental approval process, a review of the airport’s Noise Management Plan (NMP) 2015 has been undertaken. The Draft NMP (2017) was presented to Council on 8 February, 2017 and endorsed for public comment.
People are invited to submit their views on the Draft NMP (2017) commencing on Monday 27th February, 2017. Submissions received will be considered by Council and used to inform the development of the Public Environmental Review (PER) and the associated draft NMP 2017 which will then be submitted to the EPA. The EPA will then determine when the PER should be published for the 6 week public comment process.
Significant changes outlined in the Draft NMP (2017) include but are not limited to:
- Standard hours of operation
- Noise reduction
- Amelioration, and
- Noise Criteria Measures
The changes in BLUE are proposed changes to the Draft NMP (2016). Changes in GREEN are proposed changes to the Draft NMP (2017).
Please be advised that there is typographical error on page 22 of the Draft NMP (2017). The word "unrestricted" (line 2) should read "restricted". This will be corrected on closing of the public comment period and prior to submission to the EPA.
The Draft NMP (2017) is available for public comment until 19th March 2017. Limited hardcopies of the Draft NMP (2017) are available to view at the Busselton Library.
If you have questions relating to Draft NMP 2017 or the review process please contact the Airport Project Team AirportProject@busselton.wa.gov.au or 9781 1749.
A series of information sessions specifically relating to the Draft NMP (2017) are being held at the Busselton Community Resource Centre (Corner Harris Road and Cammilleri Street).
- Reinscourt Residents Thursday 2/3/17 at 5.30pm
- Yalyalup Residents Tuesday 7/3/17 at 5.30pm
- All Interested Residents Thursday 9/3/17 at 6pm
- Kalgup and Yoongarillup Residents Monday 13/3/17 at 5.30pm
These sessions are open to all, RSVP is appreciated. Please contact Julie.rawlings@busselton.wa.gov.au or call on (08) 9781 1749.
Lodge your submissions via:
‘Your Say’ on the City’s website www.yoursay.busselton.wa.gov.au
By email to: City@busselton.wa.gov.au
By post to: Chief Executive Officer, City of Busselton, Locked Bag 1, Busselton WA 6280