Why is the development of a 50m swimming pool at Geographe Leisure Centre recommended as a Long Term Option?
The need for a 50m pool has been assessed against current and projected usage, industry trends and the changing demographic implications of the City. Any future infrastructure development needs to be prioritised in accordance with the current capacity, functionality and potential capital and ongoing operational costs to the City. The current facility attendance at the GLC does not justify the cost of building and operating a 50m pool at present. The development of a 50m pool at present would not generate enough income to maintain the subsidy per user at its current level and would most likely place a burden on ratepayers above what is seen to be reasonable in the circumstances. Any proposal to build a 50m swimming pool earlier than 20 years plus would only be justified if Council considered lap swimming as a community priority.
Why is the development of 3 more courts at the Geographe Leisure Centre recommended as a Long Term Option?
The 3 courts at Geographe Leisure Centre are currently used for only approximately 50% of the time available and stand unutilised for approximately 50% of the week other than at school holidays when the courts are used from 8am to 530pm for the childcare vacation care program. The need for 3 more courts has been assessed against current and projected usage, industry trends and the changing demographic implications of the City. Any future infrastructure development needs to be prioritised in accordance with the current capacity, functionality and potential capital and ongoing operational costs to the City. The high capital cost to build would rely on a return on investment which itself would be reliant on maximising usage by both community groups and schools. The fact that many schools have developed their own courts would not support this usage requirement and as a result development of additional courts would currently result in an oversupply in the City. It is recommended that development of more courts should only be considered when current capacity is reached. There are a number of options that the City are exploring with the Basketball Association in order to meet the needs of the Association rather than the development of more court space in the short to medium term as follows .
Short term options
• Maximise the current courts at GLC /NCC and the schools during times currently available for use.
• Schedule later games at the GLC past the closing time of the rest of the facility.
• Increase usage times at GLC and NCC into Saturdays and Sundays.
• City staff works with schools to increase/allow usage for BABA with the proposed development of a memorandum of understanding.
Medium term options
• Council to consider the recommendations contained in the masterplan regarding court expansions at both GLC and NCC and include in the City’s Long term financial plan
• Build an extra court in Dunsborough
Long term options
• 3 court expansion at GLC