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Consultation has concluded
An essential part of the City’s Strategic Community Plan, which seeks to integrate a range of transport alternatives to meet the needs of our growing population, is to provide the community with smart, connective and accessible transport options.
In the past we have consulted with the community via online surveys, face to face community consultations and strategic community plan surveys. Some of the things that you have told us include; a push for regular and practical bus services - commuter business hours would be fantastic. Also late night public transport and to encourage more pedestrians, bikes and buses and less vehicles in town centres.
Public transport provides an alternative to reliance on private vehicles and forms a significant role in working toward creating a more sustainable future: reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, improved local air quality and reduced traffic congestion. The goal of the following public transport consultation is to establish if unmet public transport service needs exist, particularly in new and expanding residential areas such as Yalyalup, Vasse and Kealy, to enable trial route studies to reflect the frequency of where people want to travel from and to (travel demand patterns). TransBusselton and the Public Transport Authority are committed to resourcing public transport in regional areas, and your valuable input in this consultation, facilitated by the City of Busselton, assists in future route planning, trialling and delivering efficient and equitable service outcomes for the community.
By sharing your thoughts on future public transport routes you’ll be in the running to WIN 1 of 2 x $100 Shop Local Vouchers!
Submissions close June 15 2020.
Please note: Winners will be contacted via email after June 15 2020, so keep a look out!
An essential part of the City’s Strategic Community Plan, which seeks to integrate a range of transport alternatives to meet the needs of our growing population, is to provide the community with smart, connective and accessible transport options.
In the past we have consulted with the community via online surveys, face to face community consultations and strategic community plan surveys. Some of the things that you have told us include; a push for regular and practical bus services - commuter business hours would be fantastic. Also late night public transport and to encourage more pedestrians, bikes and buses and less vehicles in town centres.
Public transport provides an alternative to reliance on private vehicles and forms a significant role in working toward creating a more sustainable future: reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, improved local air quality and reduced traffic congestion. The goal of the following public transport consultation is to establish if unmet public transport service needs exist, particularly in new and expanding residential areas such as Yalyalup, Vasse and Kealy, to enable trial route studies to reflect the frequency of where people want to travel from and to (travel demand patterns). TransBusselton and the Public Transport Authority are committed to resourcing public transport in regional areas, and your valuable input in this consultation, facilitated by the City of Busselton, assists in future route planning, trialling and delivering efficient and equitable service outcomes for the community.
By sharing your thoughts on future public transport routes you’ll be in the running to WIN 1 of 2 x $100 Shop Local Vouchers!
Submissions close June 15 2020.
Please note: Winners will be contacted via email after June 15 2020, so keep a look out!
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on public transport.
Community engagement around the topic of transport forms an essential part of the City’s Strategic Community Plan, which seeks to integrate a range of transport alternatives to meet the needs of our growing population.
Consultation has concluded
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